How often should I have my carpets cleaned?

It is recommended to have your carpets professionally cleaned "At least once a year", but the frequency may vary depending on the amount of foot traffic, pets, and spills. High traffic areas may require more frequent cleaning.

Can carpet cleaning remove all stains?

We have specialized tools and cleaning solutions to tackle most stains. However No, not all stains can be removed with carpet cleaning. Some stains such as bleach, permanent markers, or dye may be impossible to remove completely.

How long does it take for carpets to dry after cleaning?

The drying time will depend on several factors such as the humidity, temperature, and air circulation. Typically, it takes between 4 to 8 hours for carpets to dry completely after cleaning.

Can carpet cleaning damage my carpets?

No, if done correctly, carpet cleaning should not damage your carpets. We use equipment and cleaning solutions that are safe for your carpets and will not cause damage or discoloration.